There will be a few modifications that are present in every build. Kronen Prime has a slash bias of 80%, doing 21.2 impact, 21.2 pierce, and 169.6 slash damage. These builds are focused on melees with a slash-based weapon, such as the Kronen Prime. As a result, this is an article to assist others grasp the whys and hows of melee modding. I notice a lot of folks that are confused about how modding works. Read more about warframe melee modding guide and let us know what you think. You’re stuck in a rut with the game, and you don’t know how to get out of it. You’re a decent player but your friends are way better. You don’t have to like it, but you’ve had it. Warframe is one of those games that is hard to find the way to so, but this guide will serve to be a valuable tool to any newcomers and veterans alike. The biggest question on most players minds when they first start playing Warframe is “How do I melee?” Well, we’re about to give you a very simple step-by-step guide to melee in Warframe.